Blog categorized as Zoho Lens

Transforming Retail: How Augmented Reality Revolutionizes Shopping Experiences
Discover how Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing retail. From virtual try-ons to interactive storefronts and live product demos, see how AR is reshaping shopping, enhancing customer experience, and reducing returns. Explore the future of shopping!
24.08.24 11:36 PM - Comment(s)
Revolutionize Remote Work: How Zoho Lens's AR Annotations Enhance Team Collaboration
Revolutionize remote work with AR using Zoho Lens! Enhance team collaboration with real-time, stay-in-place visual cues during live video sessions. Perfect for troubleshooting, training, and field services, AR transforms remote interactions into efficient, dynamic experiences.
21.07.24 12:47 PM - Comment(s)
4 ways augmented reality enhances manufacturing efficiency
Discover how augmented reality is revolutionizing manufacturing in Industry 4.0 by enhancing design collaboration, hands-on training, instant troubleshooting, and live quality audits. Boost efficiency and stay competitive with AR innovations in your processes.
18.06.24 09:42 PM - Comment(s)
