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Creator Scripts.
Creator Scripts.
Zoho Trusted Partner in Digital Transformation
Customers // Terms of Service //

Guidelines for Online Business Software Use

  • The Creator Scripts Terms of Service apply to the use of Creator Scripts' suite of online business productivity and collaboration software.
  • The Agreement consists of General Terms and Service Specific Terms. In case of conflict, Service Specific Terms prevail.
  • Users must be of legal age to accept the Agreement. Acceptance can be through checkboxes, buttons, or actual use of the Services.
  • Creator Scripts provide cloud software and applications for businesses, accessible through internet browsers. Users can create, edit, publish, and share content.
  • Certain Services may be offered as Beta Services for testing. Creator Scripts have discretion to discontinue Beta Services at any time.
  • Users can register for free trials, but data entered during trials may be lost unless a paid subscription is purchased.
  • Users must provide accurate information during sign-up and are responsible for maintaining confidentiality and updating information.
  • Users are restricted from transferring, disassembling, or using Services for illegal, harmful, or unauthorized activities.
  • Users are responsible for the content they transmit through Services and agree not to use Services for illegal or offensive purposes.
  • Creator Scripts integrate with third-party applications; users must accept third-party terms for access.
  • Fees for Services vary and can be paid via credit card. Creator Scripts may change prices with notice.
  • Organization accounts have administrators who manage user accounts and configurations.
  • Users agree to Creator Scripts' Privacy Policy, and Creator Scripts communicates with users about services and newsletters.
  • Users must address complaints within 10 days; failure to respond may result in disclosure of user information.
  • Inactive user accounts may be terminated after 120 days.
  • Users own the content they create; Creator Scripts may access and use content as needed to provide Services.
  • Creator Scripts may migrate user accounts between cloud facilities based on region/country mapping.
  • Users are responsible for the content they transmit; Creator Scripts can block or remove content if there are complaints.
  • Creator Scripts' liability is limited; indemnification clause holds users responsible for misuse of Services.
  • Governing law and jurisdiction depend on user location; disputes are resolved accordingly.
  • Creator Scripts can suspend, disable, or terminate user accounts in cases of suspected illegal activity, inactivity, or other reasons.
  • Users can terminate their accounts, and Creator Scripts can modify the Agreement with notice.
  • The report provides a comprehensive summary of Creator Scripts' Terms of Service, outlining user responsibilities, limitations, and Creator Scripts' policies.