How to access free flow backend in Zoho CRM custom builder?

16.08.14 06:40 PM - By FMRR

If you are familiar with Zoho Creator's backend script builder you are aware of the 2 options you have to write your logic. Script Builder and Free flow. The second having the most flexibility for copy & paste code and write logic faster if you are already familiar with deluge scripts.

In Zoho CRM when you attempt to write a custom function the only option available is Script Builder. This option increases your developers time to produce faster and robust code = higher costs and if you are learning how to write these functions it will be a little cumbersome just to navigate through all the multiple screens Zoho has configured for the user = decreasing your chances for success.

Fortunately, there is a way to access the free flow backend screen in Zoho CRM. It does require a little bit of technical maneuvering, but nothing as fancy as Lady Gaga's buckle up and take some notes.

1. Open you custom function configuration screen.

2. Edit the Function

3. Right click on the white empty configuration screen and choose "Inspect Element"

4. If you are on a Mac the right click = control click.

5. You will see a new window displaying at the bottom of your screen with your CRM application code.

6.Search (scroll up) for the url referring to

7. Copy the script on a txt note and extract the url up until the workflowLinkID.

8. Paste the url on a new browser window and bingo.

9. Do not forget to save the scripts you add on this window.

10. Go back to your CRM and test.


What do you use Zoho CRM for?

Zoho CRM is used to manage customer relationships, track sales, and streamline business processes. It helps businesses automate and streamline their sales, marketing, customer support, and inventory management processes.

Is Zoho owned by Google?

No, Zoho is not owned by Google. Zoho is a privately held company based in Chennai, India.

Who is Zoho CRM best for?

Zoho CRM is best for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a cost-effective and customizable CRM solution. It's also suitable for businesses in a variety of industries, including sales, marketing, customer support, and inventory management.

What are the disadvantages of Zoho CRM?

Some of the disadvantages of Zoho CRM include limited scalability for larger enterprises, limited integration options with other business tools, and a learning curve for some users.

What are the 3 types of CRM?

The 3 types of CRM are operational CRM, analytical CRM, and collaborative CRM. Operational CRM focuses on automating and streamlining business processes, analytical CRM provides insights into customer behavior and preferences, and collaborative CRM facilitates communication and collaboration between teams and customers.

Is Zoho using SAP?

No, Zoho is not using SAP. Zoho is an independent company that develops its own suite of business and productivity tools, including Zoho CRM.

Is Zoho completely free?

No, Zoho CRM is not completely free. While Zoho offers a free basic plan, more advanced features and higher user limits are available with paid plans.

Does Zoho use SQL?

Yes, Zoho uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to store and manage its data in the database. SQL is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases.