How to GET geolocation data from an IP Address in Zoho Creator

09.07.14 06:26 PM - By FMRR is a public REST API for searchinggeolocation of IP addresses and host names.
It has an internal database with geolocation information, which is queried via the API. There's no sorcery, it's just a database. And although the database is very accurate, don't expect it to be perfect.

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To blend the two copy the below function inside your creator application and test utilizing the record ID of the field containing the IP address in reference.
string getgoelocation(int ID)
c = MyFormName ;   
ipaddress = getUrl(""+c.IPAddress,false);
response = ipaddress.get("responseText");
return response;
//c.IPAddress  is the name of the field inside your Creator form.
The return variable "response" will contain all the geolocation values for the IP address entered. If you have any Q. dont hesitate to post a comment below and I will respond as soon as possible. Good luck!