How do I enable export options (print, PDF,etc) for a view embedded in my HTML page?

04.01.16 09:09 AM - By CreatorScripts

There are several ways to accomplish this task.

One is to enable the printing settings directly in your html page as its shown on this solution below. The other is to place the URL´s as linked text

a. To print the view, place a linked text in the format given below:

<a href=""> Print </a>

b. To export the view in CSV format, place a linked text in the format given below:

<a href=""> CSV Export </a>

Refer to learn more the URL patterns.

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htmlpage Export_Options()
displayname = "Export Options"
print = true
pdf = true
  <div elName='zc-component' viewLinkName='Birthdate_Calc_Report' params='zc_Header=true'>Loading View...</div>

Notice that print & pdf are set as true to enable the printing option on your html page.

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